Florida Market, Myers Market, Black Beauty, and a number of other grower developed hybrids.
U.S. Grades
U.S. Fancy, U.S. No. 1 and U.S. No. 2
Storage Conditions
USDA recommended storage and transit: 46° to 54°F (8.0° to 12.2°C) Desired relative humidity: 90 to 95 percent Approximate freezing point: 30.6°F (-0.8°C) Eggplant is susceptible to chilling injury if held or transported at temperatures below 50°F. Eggplant that has been chilled will exhibit signs of pitting, surface bronzing, browning of seeds and pulp, will show a loss of sheen and will be wilted in appearance.Eggplant that has been chilled, deteriorate rapidly in warm temperatures.
U.S. Fancy or U.S. No. 1: shall be reasonably uniform in size, except when a range in diameter is specified. Not more than 5 percent, by count, in any lot may be below any specified minimum diameter and not more than 5 percent may be above any specified maximum diameter.